In today's message, Pastor Marie takes us through Matthew 25, as she calls us to be prepared for every situation! Using the illustration of an oil lamp, she asks questions like: "Do you know when your lamp (life) is empty?" and "Did you notice when your spiritual life got empty?"
We must be filled with oil! Do not miss this powerful word.
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Have a wonderful week church family!
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." (Proverbs 4:23) In today's message, Pastor Marie reminds us to...
"You become the average of the top 5 people you spend time with; relationships matter!" Today, Pastor Rob takes us through Proverbs 25 as...
Take a listen to life lessons from missionary Deborah Sirjoosingh, who is is retiring after 39.5 years serving in the missions field. We celebrate...