This week, Pastor Rob talks about anxiety and talks about how we can untangle ourselved from being stuck in those "what if" thoughts. This epsidode is a part of our Reconnecting with Holy Spirit series, and we hope that it helps you today and that you feel encouraged as you listen to it.
Make sure to stay connected with us either on our website or through our social media pages (@myppclife), we love hearing from you!
May God bless you today!
Will you be prepared when the storm comes? Pastor Dennis takes us through Matthew 7:24-27, and speaks on the importance of being obedient to...
Join us as Pastor Marie wraps up our summer series "Honouring the 'I' Wills" with a powerful and encouraging sermon! Do you need prayer?...
Justice is borne out of love, therefore where hatred exists true justice is non-existent! In today's episode, Pastor Marie dives into our new series...